Monday, April 23, 2007

Noah's Back

Rick Springfield returned as Dr. Noah Drake today. Do they actually have writers on GH, or do they just have people who shuffle the scripts around so that the characters can do the same scene over and over again. I mean, really. For the longest time, it was Noah and Patrick yelling at each other. Now, it's Noah bitching about Dr. Ford, which would be fine, if there was any follow through whatsoever. Last time Noah was on, he and Patrick were going to do an operation that was against hospital policy. Hello? What happened with that? And I just can't sit through that same scene one more time with Carly and Sonny flirting with getting back together. Give it up already. Enough is enough. Besides the joy of seeing Noah's Rocking Doc self today, Emily's reaction to walking in on Patrick and Robin was pretty good, and the ending today, actually blew me away. I hadn't read any spoilers about it, or any soap mags, so it was definitely nice to be surprised, rather than bored to tears by the same old scenario. Let's hope that originality is contagious, and the antidote is nowhere to be found!

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