The Wildhorse Saloon
Nashville TN
Feb 15 & 16th 2008
Review & picture by Caralyn Wichers
The Wildhorse Saloon was the place to be this weekend. Friday night was awesome and who knew Rick and the guys could improve on that?!?!?!?
Feb 15th
The Squirts opened a little after 8pm and were great. Matt, George and Rodger were really into it and played some great tunes like First Time and The Way I See You. They did such a good job that the folks that hadn’t heard them before, bought out all of the Resquirted CDs. They played til about 8:30pm.
At around 9:05 the intro music started and Rick came out to a screaming standing room only crowd. He wore a cool dark short sleeved shirt with sparkling rinestones and jeans. They went right into Who Killed Rock and Roll and Rick got everyone clapping and went into It’s Always Something. This is so cool live.
Affair of the Heart
I’ve Done Everything for You
Rock of Life
He did some fancy guitar work and went into Wild Thing followed by Living In Oz and more fancy guitar playing. Someone yelled to him that it was her birthday and he asked if it really was. He said yeah I know its your birthday and went right into the Beatles song and sang some of It’s your birthday.
Then he sang Don’t Talk to Strangers and had a few folks sing. Eventually he had this cute 7 year old boy named Malcolm climb up on stage with him to sing. He did such a cute job. Rick said “You’d the Man”
They played the Bop Til You Drop Medley which includes
Celebrate Youth
Calling All Girls ( a few notes of Jessie’s girl and tricks the first timers)
Don’t Walk Away
State of the heart
What Kind of Fool Am I
I Get Excited and back to Bop til you Drop
He got hooked up to go out to the crowd and told everyone the Rules.
Rule #1 Don’t touch my ass
Rule #2 Don’t touch my ass
Rule #3 There is no rule number 3
Rule #4 If I’m gonna fall you can ignore the first 2 rules.
As he was getting ready to come out someone handed him a 2 dollar bill and he was so funny when he yelled “Is that all I’m worth?!?!?
He did the usual Hard to Hold intro where he said he made a movie in the 80s that had a few good songs. Did Love Somebody in the audience and yes stopped at my table. It was my first rose shower and I snapped a picture as soon as I could and I realized a petal fell in my mouth and the bouquet landed on my face. Okay probably too many details for most of you but for a few you can pretend you were there too.
Kept surfing the audience playing My Generation even after he broke a table and fell off of one quite gracefully. Good thing some fans were there to help. He used a cell phone to play the guitar and call Anita. A man answered and said hold on I’ll get her. She gets on the phone and he says hello Do you know who this is. She says yes Christopher?!?!? It was too funny when he said No this is Rick Springfield and then she didn’t come back. He said she was still on the line but I think she thought this Christopher played a joke on her and she hung up or she went into shock finding out she was talking to Rick. It had to be one of the funniest phone calls I have seen him make in a while.
He played Human Touch and went really far out into the crowd and even fell again. Where he gets this energy I will never know?!?!? He made it back to the stage for Jessie’s Girl and left the stage. Everyone was whistling and clapping and really wanted an encore. Rick and the guys came back out. Rick was wearing an orange t-shirt I haven’t seen before and he come right up to the microphone and says Is anyone wasted tonight??? The crowd went nuts and it dawned on me we were going to get at least a 2 song encore. So he sang Wasted and ended with Love is Alright Tonight.
As I was getting ready to leave I looked down and right at my spot was a guitar pick. I guess he dropped it for me when the bouquet of smashed roses fell on me.
Feb 15th
The Squirts opened a little after 8pm and were great. Matt, George and Rodger were really into it and played some great tunes like First Time and The Way I See You. They did such a good job that the folks that hadn’t heard them before, bought out all of the Resquirted CDs. They played til about 8:30pm.
At around 9:05 the intro music started and Rick came out to a screaming standing room only crowd. He wore a cool dark short sleeved shirt with sparkling rinestones and jeans. They went right into Who Killed Rock and Roll and Rick got everyone clapping and went into It’s Always Something. This is so cool live.
Affair of the Heart
I’ve Done Everything for You
Rock of Life
He did some fancy guitar work and went into Wild Thing followed by Living In Oz and more fancy guitar playing. Someone yelled to him that it was her birthday and he asked if it really was. He said yeah I know its your birthday and went right into the Beatles song and sang some of It’s your birthday.
Then he sang Don’t Talk to Strangers and had a few folks sing. Eventually he had this cute 7 year old boy named Malcolm climb up on stage with him to sing. He did such a cute job. Rick said “You’d the Man”
They played the Bop Til You Drop Medley which includes
Celebrate Youth
Calling All Girls ( a few notes of Jessie’s girl and tricks the first timers)
Don’t Walk Away
State of the heart
What Kind of Fool Am I
I Get Excited and back to Bop til you Drop
He got hooked up to go out to the crowd and told everyone the Rules.
Rule #1 Don’t touch my ass
Rule #2 Don’t touch my ass
Rule #3 There is no rule number 3
Rule #4 If I’m gonna fall you can ignore the first 2 rules.
As he was getting ready to come out someone handed him a 2 dollar bill and he was so funny when he yelled “Is that all I’m worth?!?!?
He did the usual Hard to Hold intro where he said he made a movie in the 80s that had a few good songs. Did Love Somebody in the audience and yes stopped at my table. It was my first rose shower and I snapped a picture as soon as I could and I realized a petal fell in my mouth and the bouquet landed on my face. Okay probably too many details for most of you but for a few you can pretend you were there too.
Kept surfing the audience playing My Generation even after he broke a table and fell off of one quite gracefully. Good thing some fans were there to help. He used a cell phone to play the guitar and call Anita. A man answered and said hold on I’ll get her. She gets on the phone and he says hello Do you know who this is. She says yes Christopher?!?!? It was too funny when he said No this is Rick Springfield and then she didn’t come back. He said she was still on the line but I think she thought this Christopher played a joke on her and she hung up or she went into shock finding out she was talking to Rick. It had to be one of the funniest phone calls I have seen him make in a while.
He played Human Touch and went really far out into the crowd and even fell again. Where he gets this energy I will never know?!?!? He made it back to the stage for Jessie’s Girl and left the stage. Everyone was whistling and clapping and really wanted an encore. Rick and the guys came back out. Rick was wearing an orange t-shirt I haven’t seen before and he come right up to the microphone and says Is anyone wasted tonight??? The crowd went nuts and it dawned on me we were going to get at least a 2 song encore. So he sang Wasted and ended with Love is Alright Tonight.
As I was getting ready to leave I looked down and right at my spot was a guitar pick. I guess he dropped it for me when the bouquet of smashed roses fell on me.
Feb 16th
We were treated to the Squirts again. Again they delivered. It was so cute someone handed Matt a small bouquet of roses and he was so agreeable and did an excellent rose explosion. He was fast too so of course I didn’t get the photo. They played for about a half hour and were really having a good time on stage.
A little after 9pm Rick came out wearing a long sleeved brown shirt and jeans. They opened with Who Killed Rock and Roll and went right into Will I
Affair of the Heart
Kristina and Rick spaced it and had to start over. It was so cute.
I’ve Done Everything for You
Rock of Life
Fire by Jimmy Hendrix which was great
Living in Oz
Then 2 songs I have never heard him play before.
They played Crossroads which was great.
Then he got an acoustic guitar and told everyone he was going to play a new song. So new that the guys in the band hadn’t heard it before. He told everyone about Sahara and how he met her when she was 5 and how she passed away from cancer at 13. He said Amy (Saraha’s mom) was in the audience and the song was titled Saint Sahara. It was amazing?!?!?!?!?
They played Red House and Don’t Talk to Strangers and asked the audience to sing the French words and commented on how he can never remember those words. Then he yelled lets see how many tables I collapse tonight?!? They turn up the lights and he noticed another level and yells I dig you guys!!!
He sees a sign that it is a girl’s 12th birthday so he makes his way over there and asks her to come up on stage. He asks her name. It’s Brittany and he says you’re the good Brittany right not like the other one. He gets so silly and starts waving his hands in the air and dancing the bump with her. Eventually he asks her to sing and she does a great job.
They continue with the Bop til You Drop medley and then he starts to spell SATURDAY NIGHT and they do a few lines of the Bay City rollers song. Then they do a little bit of Can’t Explain. He got hooked up to into the audience and was really talkative so much so I don’t think he notice the drumstick Rodger threw at him. He finally gets into No Satisfaction and is out in the audience and does Love Somebody followed by My Generation. He really lays into his guitar. I wonder where does he get that energy. Eventually he makes a cell phone call to a Liz and does the usual order pizza and beer for thousands.
He is really surfing the audience, and continues with Human Touch and quickly disappears into the stairwell and comes out at the middle balcony. He starts walking along the edge and fans were going nuts. I for one was petrified someone would accidentally push him over. He even started Jessie’s Girl in the balcony and quickly made his way back on stage to finish.
For his encore he came back out and said he’d sing Perfect, but that was if he remembered it. Woohoo double encore 2 nights in a row!!! Just when I was thinking about cutting back on the number of shows I am going to go too. After all I have to save for the cruise rightJ These were the longest and most interesting concerts I have ever seen him do. Probably the most men I have seen at a show too. And quite a few of the fans found out about the cruise and now they want tickets too.
Hope you enjoyed the review and now I just can’t wait for Lancaster
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