Buffalo Run Casino
Most probably aren't aware that this city in OK is pronounced as "Miama", not Miami like in Florida. This was announced to be a sold out show! Rick started the show wearing a leather jacket and his glasses.
During Alyson, He cut himself in a couple of places and asked for a bandaid. Later, he asked how it could be so hot in a place so cold. Then he asked if anyone in the audience was actually from there and that he was still looking for the "a" at the end of Miami. During Don't Talk to Strangers, he sang the 2nd verse instead of the first verse (which he seems to do a lot) and does his usual "I've only been singing this for 25 years". When he went out into the audience to get some people to sing, he was mobbed and grabbed by one girl in particular, so when he went to go back on stage, he said "oh no, there's the crazy one, I'm going back over here". He mentioned that they were going to be on Oprah, and that he was going to be jumping on the couch and doing weird [stuff]. He talked about a movie he did in 1983 (filmed in 83 maybe, released in 1984, I think he used to say 1984, not sure why he backed it up a year) and that it was a really expensive video, mostly for "this song", and went into Love Somebody.
During My Generation, he called Pizza Hut on someone's cell phone. He noticed the Pizza Hut was in Missouri, and he said "are we in Missouri?". When Pizza Hut answered, he asked "Do you know who this is?" yelled "It's Rick Springfield", then ordered 3000 pizza's, asked if they had beer, so ordered 3000 pizza and beer and asked if they could deliver it to "Miama" and then he asked if he got that right, and said we'd pick it up in "Missoura" (with an "a" on the end instead of an "i" [haha]). After the song, he thanked Brian for holding him up for the whole song. When he got back on the stage after Human Touch he told the audience they were crazier than he was.
He did get flashed a few times from the audience, especially toward the end.
The full set list was as follows:
Who Killed Rock and Roll
Affair of the Heart
I've Done Everything For You
Rock of Life
Wild Thing
Living in Oz
Red House
Don't Talk to Strangers
Love Somebody
My Generation
Human Touch
Jessie's Girl
Love is Alright Tonite
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