Photo by Allisyn Pletch
Review by Rosie Malthaner
The day started out with a sound check. When we arrived we were told the guys were running late. We found out later that their plane had to be turned around due to some problem with the door. When they finally arrived we got the show going. They guys got to work and Ronnie offered to send Rick to dinner after he did his thing with us but he declined and said he would stay to sound check. The guys in the bad were all in playful moods joking and playing around on the stage as they got things set up. Rick was gracious and took lots of pictures with us and did the autograph thing. Looked at all the goodies he received. It was a small group of people. When they were finally ready for him, they rehearsed Affair of the Heart and most of WKRR. It was a great sound check and a little longer than most because they were late and we got to see the whole thing. As we were leaving about 6, fans were already arriving at the venue. Rick still needed to shower and eat so we knew we would be on "Rick time" from here on out.
Back for the show and yes, it was running late as expected. But the show started and Rick and the guys were on fire. He played about 4 songs before really talking to the audience. He talked about the cruise and how he was really looking forward to it. And all the celebs that would be there, Jackie Z, Kimberly, John Waite and his dear friend Doug Davidson. He also threatened to have "Naked" night, but I wouldn't hold my breath. lol
He had the white shirt with black vest on, which I love! Pretty good set list. He made his way into the crowd for DTTS where he strode over a man that didn't really want to sing but he got him to in the end. Lots of kids in the audience and he tried to hit as many as he could for a chance at DTTS. Then when he got back on stage he brought up the most adorable little girl, she was about 4. He asked her to dance and she said NO!. He got her to sing though. The stage got rushed a few songs before this as there was absolutely no security.
After DTTS the wrong mic was put back on the stand and it took a few minutes to get that fixed but Rick kept playing. He once again cut his hand (I think this is becoming a habit so if you have front row seats, bring band aids. lol) Someone gave him a large band aid and he wanted to know what kind of injury was required to use it. George then appeared with one but he was too late. I think Rick and the guys were a little punchy from their travels that day because Rick was really active on the stage, doing lots of dance moves and kicks. At one point Rick pretended to collapse on the stage. They guys were goofing around as well every chance they got. Someone handed Rick a fan club folder from the 80's and he proceeded to go through the whole thing and mentioned that one of the pictures in there, his mother has on her wall in Australia.
It took George two tries to get the head set right for Rick's venture into the crowd. Rick stayed on stage for most of Love Somebody and then ventured out. Rick was yelling at Rodger from the audience because he kept banging the drums. What Rick didn't realize was that Matt had brought two little girls up on stage to play the tambourine and Rodger was trying to get his attention. He did his standard cell call and he made it quite far back before retreating to the stage. Once back on we got our standard Jessie's Girl and band intro.
Back on stage for a two song encore!!! I thought Rick and the guys really put on a great show. It was great to see old friends and make a few news ones too. Can't wait for the triple header in March now!
Set list: (not necessarily in the correct order)
It's Always Something
Afair of the Heart
Rock of Life
Living in Oz
I've Done Everything for You
Red House
The Medley
Love Somebody
My Generation
Human Touch
Another cover song that for the life of me remember the name of
Jessie's Girl
I'll Make You Happy
Love is Allright Tonight
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