Prior Lake, MN
Mystic Casino
Review & photo: Jill Fahey
My story and I'm sticking to it! Before the show I was hanging out by the concert area and I met the gals that were able to go to the soundcheck. All of them Soundcheck virgins. I kinda gave them my experience and they seemed very excited. I roamed around the casino before the show and saw Ronnie walking about quite a bit. I knew of where Rick was having his dinner as I saw George (guitar tech) trying to get in there. The hostess and guard at booth there were on poor George and I was there to assure that he was part of the Rick crew...hehe. The show is getting close and I head to the area where the concert was taking place. They have moved the concert area since the last time Rick performed here at Mystic Lake. I can say...most more beautiful. The area for the merch was good and Dave had things pretty well under control. I stayed in the area waiting for my supervisor to come in. As I waited there a group of 4 ladies had asked me to take a picture of them by the Rick ad. They didn't know much about Rick, one thought he was married to Linda Blair. I corrected them and answered the other questions they had about Rick (tv shows and family) They were amazed by my knowledge and called me a fan :)
Onto the show. Like the workers said the venue was very nice. Two big screens on each side of the stage. Not that I needed them. It seemed like everyone was screaming while the montage of Rick life was playing on the screens. From my seat I saw ladies rush the stage so I proceeded to gain a little more closeness to the stage but not that close so I could get some good photos. Rick seemed very hot and sweaty, grabbing to wipe it off with a towel. Once during the show he shook his head and it rained down on those standing near him. Speaking Rick sweat...he was sooo soaked you could see his cross tattoo through his shirt :) I was just waiting for him to take off his shirt, that didn't happen darn it but oh well I can just imagine.
During the walk through the audience Rick grabbed someones phone He asked for help on getting to the contact list and than to send request to call Applebees. Having a hard time hearing her but finally asked her if they served beer and that after the show he would be bringing 3000 people on over. LOL. 0
While Rick was out there I took my chances for pictures of Derek and Matt B (I was on that side of the stage to see them better) Matt was jamming away on the guitar. Derek stepped away from his keyboard and seemed to be playing keyboard on Matt's guitar.. Those silly boys. Sorry I didn't keep track of the song lists. He did do the typical songs and I finally was able to hear "What's Victoria's secret?" I can't wait for this cd to be released. Good show Rick and boys...Loved it.
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