Detroit, MI - River Days
June 20, 2008
Review by Michelle Porchia
Picture by Jen Haskin
This show took place on the Detroit Riverfront, on the kickoff day of the River Days festival. It was a great day for an outdoor show, 78 degrees and partly sunny. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra opened the show (probably the classiest opening act Rick has ever had) and played a medley of 'hits'.
It took quite some time, well probably not that long -for the crew to clear out all the chairs & instruments and set the stage with Rick and the band's gear. As the older set crowd moved out, the Rick fans filled the front rows in full force. Finally, the familiar opening music started and the audience surged forward taking the organizers of the show quite by surprise I believe. Rick took the stage in his trademark nonchalant way that he has, all dapper looking in his leather jacket tight blue jeans and brown boots, and the rockin' began.
Opening with Who Killed Rock N' Roll, the predominately female crowd let their pleasure be known. Detroit is usually known for it's riotous concert attendees and tonight was no exception. As the show went on, the gathering audience extended further and further back, stretching behind and on the sides of the stage that were fenced off. It seemed curious festival goers needed to see for themselves what the fuss was all about. Rick even commented about 5 songs in, "...not too bad for a guy who plays a doctor on tv."
We were treated to Rick's new single, "What's Victoria's Secret" after Rick spent some time explaining how confused he was about what to call a single or record nowadays. He joked that it was a new song, regardless of what the proper way to describe it should be. The crowd really seemed to like it, and he looked pleased.
During "Don't Talk to Strangers" Rick wandered into the concert goers to a couple that were seated. He had warned them previously that he was "coming out there, momma." He teased that the couple were thinking, "When in the heck is the Orchestra coming back out?" He tried to get 'Tim' to sing the chorus until Tim explained that he had laryngitis. Rick then speedily moved away from him telling him not to take offense but he couldn't afford to get that affliction right now. He also apologized to Tim that he wasn't going to kiss him either. :-)
Rick pretty much stuck to the set list of late - adding in the covers "Crossroads", 'Wild Thing" and then later "My Generation". His spectator walkabout had a few wireless microphone issues, to which guitar tech George came to the rescue with a hand held mic for Rick to finish up. Rick waded all the way thru that General Admission crowd, standing on the crowd control fence at one point, and high fiving people that were on the other side looking on. While Rick was on his audience run, the band continued with their usual fun antics behind his back. If you've never noticed what the band is doing while Rick's not on stage, the next time you're at a show you should try to remember to peel your eyes from Rick for just a moment to take them in. It'll put a smile on your face.
Back to the stage, the familiar chords of "Jessie's Girl" begin. My favorite part of this song performance has come to be when Rick stops after "Jessie's got himself a girl" and the crowd sings "and I wanna make her mine." After JG is finished, Rick introduces the band and hometown member Matt gets a huge roar. He thanks the crowd and leaves the stage. When he returns for an encore of "Love is Alright Tonite" he is now sporting a John Lennon t-shirt.
As the show ends and Rick gives one last good-bye, strains of "What's Victoria's Secret" begin again.
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