Colusa, CA 5/23/08
Colusa Casino
Out Fit: Black Vest White Shirt, Blue Jeans (non button fly) brown boots
Encore Out Fit: changed to green "peace" shirt
Set List:
Who Killed RNR
It’s Always Something
Affair of the Heart
I’ve Done Everything For You
Rock of Life
Red House
Don’t Talk to Strangers
Living In Oz
Happy Birthday To Rick
Love Somebody
My Generation
Human Touch
Jessie’s Girl
I’ll Make You Happy
Love is Alright Tonite
The seats started out very close to the stage, so there was no stage rushing from behind. The stage was also very low, so if you were in the front and Rick came to the front of the stage, you weren’t eye level with his feet, but much more interesting parts of his body.
The left side of the venue seemed to be standing up, but the right side, the front row was, but a majority of the 2nd row stayed seated, and they might have complained to security because security was telling that side of the front row to sit down. Rick came over to where we playing a solo and I indicated we were being told to sit down and he said "STAND UP", doing a motion with his finger. They didn’t bother us after that.
During DTTS, when Rick does the part about "life in the big city" he mentions that Colusa isn’t even on the map., Rick found a guy named Ron, who was 75. Rick said "Girls love guys who sing. Once I figured that out I went straight to a voice coach and said "teach me to sing". When Ron sang he sang "Don’t Rock". He was trying to go further back in the crowd and he said "are you guys new? They are trying to move the chairs apart so I can get by" (I’m not sure if it was security doing that or the people sitting in that area).
After Living in Oz, Rick says "I’m gonna try a new song, I need my lyrics sheet". They lyrics sheet had been taped to the front of the stage since the beginning, so I was very excited about the thought of getting to hear What’s Victoria’s Secret live, full band, for the first time. Then he says "what is today? What happens in 3 months? It’s my birthday I’m not going to see all of you guys before my birthday so why don’t you sing me Happy Birthday?" So we sang Happy Birthday to Rick. Rick plays a little bit of a guitar solo, then says "Am I boring you Rodger?" Then he says "Actually, this is the new one" and he goes into Gloria (???????waaah – he never did play Victoria’s Secret).
During Gloria, someone was holding up copies of some Zoot stuff and he talked about it a little and said "did they have electricity back then?" When he got to the part where he says "she knocks upon my door" Rodger does his drum part and Rick asks "how long have you been playing this song, you’re about 5 beats behind, let’s try it again" Rick suggest that they fine Rodger 100 dollars for every time he misses a knock on the door. Rodger gets it perfect the next time. Rick goes back into the song and says he has a tv on top of the bath the way you should do it in case it falls in and electrocutes the heck ouf of you. He talks about watching GH on the tv (in the tub) and about the "Chick Sam….how many times can this bitch get shot. She’s been shot like 40 times, she’s only 23. She’s been shot more times than I’ve been gang banged"
Then he mentions that Eli is coming back to GH to sing Rick Springfield’s new single. "Thank God for Television!" Rodger does some more drum stuff while Rick is talking. Rick says "Excellent timing Rodger, absolutely perfect….you’re SO with me" Rick said he felt like Paul Anka then does a slight impression."We are so tight" (Rodger drums over him). Rick says "Exactly. He will be walking home. He’s so cute, like a bad puppy (about Rodger)" Then he got to the "She stands me up" part and jokes that if he did that when his audience was 14 and 15 year old girls that’d be like "Mom, what does that mean?" And he commented that there were no training bras on the stage. As you can probably tell, this was a very, very long version of Gloria.
Before Love Somebody, he talked about Hard to Hold and asked how many people were over 18 when they saw the movie. Then he said "that’s a lot of preteen girls looking at my naked ass"
During My Generation when he tried to do the cell phone bit he was trying to pick out a name from the list of contacts. He wanted to find the girl’s boyfriend and "give him some shit". When he finally picked a name, he realized there was no cell service.
He then finished up the show without much more dialog.
They did play What’s Victoria’s Secret over the speakers after the show, so if you have an upcoming show, and you want to hear it, listen for that when the show is over.
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